Showing all 13 results

Almond/Pistachio Noutruffle
Our original Almond and Pistachio Nougat covered with 70% dark chocolate. The perfect bite. Gluten, Soy, Cholesterol and Dairy free

Cherry Noutruffle
Candied cherry center covered in 70% organic chocolate. This is the perfect holiday chocolate.

Coconut Noutruffle
Very coconut..Coconut infused nougat with organic coconut flakes, as always , covered with our brilliant organic chocolate. A roasted coconut chip on top. A taste of the paradise

Coffee Noutruffle
Organic chocolate covered coffee bean center. Espresso infused nougat covered by our fantastic organic 70% chocolate.

Hazelnut Noutruffles
A whole Hazelnut in the center of our delicious Nougat. 70 % organic, single farm chocolate cover. The perfect ratio of nut to nougat to chocolate.

Marcona Almond with salted Rosemary Noutruffle
One of the Dr.’s favorites; Marcona Almond center with Rosemary and salt infused nougat, covered with our 70% organic chocolate. Sweet, salt and savory unique invention.

Mint Noutruffle
Our Senior mint…What a junior mint would be if it grew up. Nougat center infused with organic mint essence. As always enrobed in our magnificent 70% organic chocolate. For those who love mint.

Salted Almond/Pistachio Noutruffle
Out original nougat with the added dimension of flakey sea salt. Covered in our imported 70% dark chocolate for the perfect sweet and salty combination.

Salted Macadamia Nut Noutruffle
Salted Hawaiian Macadamia nut in the center of our amazing nougat. As always covered in our 70% organic chocolate. A little sweet- a little salty. For the Macadamia lover..

Spicy Noutruffle
Smoked jalapeno infused nougat covered with Cheyanne infused 70% dark chocolate. Two separate and different burns.

Strawberry Noutruffle
Dried strawberry center with strawberry infused nougat. As always covered in our spectacular 70% organic dark chocolate